Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Rabbi yassir wala tu assir ya karim..
patient is all I have to do.. :))) xx.
suprise suprise.
it is something that you cant believe.. but it happened..
i guess everybody was right! thank you :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

i can be so cold. just wait for it.
been patient for awhile now. ,, just don't try to cross the line, mofo! :)
this is for you.

hint; selling nuts. its a SHE :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

day by day, you learn something, you start to know about things, start to socializing, then that is when your life gets complicated. LIFE is so hard. so hard.. it is so hard when people doesn't understands you.

rabbi yassir wala tu assir ya karim..

Saturday, October 10, 2009

raya was awesome. tho, it doesnt feel like raya at the end. theres no more cucul :( haha. but hey, raya this year is alright. :) nothing much to update here. im off to KK soon with ELLA and LIYANA. oyeaah. this is so cool :p cant wait! :)

hello october btw :D